The Outfit
Set in 1956, gang-run Chicago, The Outfit is a suspenseful crime drama reminiscent of old-style gangster stories and films. Our hero in this story is Leonard Burling (Mark Rylance), a former Savile Row tailor, or as he prefers to be called a “cutter.” Unlike others who see their job as just work that needs to be done, Burling sees it as art, a craft to which he has dedicated years of his life and takes great pride in completing. With his young receptionist, Mable Shaun (Zoey Deutch), Burling creates customized clothing and suits for his affluent clients, including the ruthless and powerful Boyle crime family.
Led by Roy Boyle (Simon Russell Beale), other significant players in the family include Roy’s son Richie (Dylan O’Brien) and trusted henchman Francis (Johnny Flynn). In addition to being legitimate customers to Burling, the Boyles have a small letterbox set up in the back where gang members leave notes and letters about various business dealings. Richie and Francis regularly visit the shop to pick up this correspondence. During one such trip, they learn about a spy or “rat” in their midst, leaking information to the Feds. A combination of events leads to one night in the shop where blood, secrets, and the truth are spilled.
The Outfit is director Graham Moore’s debut feature film, an entertaining crime drama/mobster piece. Moore weaves a complex tale of motive and suspense with steady pacing that is not too boring but not too fast-paced. Like its protagonist’s work ethic, this film is crafted with great attention to detail; the cinematography is lovely, the costumes and sets are picture-perfect, and the performances of all the actors and actresses are compelling and engaging. Adding to the tightly woven atmosphere is that aside from a few shots of the shop’s exterior storefront, the whole movie takes place inside Burling’s shop.
If you like mystery and/or crime thrillers, you will have fun watching The Outfit. I won’t say much more for the risk of spoiling anything, but there is more to every character, especially Burling, than meets the eye. There are double-crosses, manipulation tactics, and deceptive measures galore. Overall, The Outfit is an entertaining film that will keep you invested until the end. I enjoyed watching it and recommend it to anyone looking for a suspenseful and intricate tale.